What do you need to say to be present?

Liam Forde
March 21, 2020

It seems like an odd question, right? Especially when we are talking about the workplace. At The Zone, we firmly believe in the importance of creating connections and turning the office into a more human, happy and high performing space.

Have you noticed that our minds are almost always full? We are constantly worried about the future, things that happened in the past or any other subject that catches our attention. It can be simple or complex: 

  • What will I eat for lunch? 
  • Will there be a lot of traffic after work? 
  • Did I reply to that important email? 
  • How will I balance the budget?

This means we’re not fully present, we are distracted. How can we expect to have a productive meeting, make better decisions and enjoy our time together if we are not present? This is why we check-in before any meeting or workshop we are facilitating. 

Try it out!

How to start a meeting with a check-in? You can follow some simple steps: 

1. Start with a powerful question

The key element for the check-in is to start with one or more powerful questions, taking into account the purpose of the meeting, the current context, the intention behind the check-in and how much time you have. Some examples: 

  • “What was the highlight and the lowlight of your week?”
  • “What do you look forward to this week?”
  • “What got you in the zone this weekend?”
  • “What has been the impact of this current situation on you?
  • “How are you feeling about being here today?”
  • “What do you need to say to be present?”

Whichever question you choose, it has to be intentional in making your team come together and be present for the meeting ahead. 

2. Allocate time

A check-in could last only a few minutes or a whole hour, depending on its purpose. So keep in mind what you want to achieve and go for it. Keep the process flowing, as everyone speaks, one at a time.  

3. Listen

Listen, and be with the person speaking. This is a key step in the check-in. The idea here is not to start a conversation but to give everyone the chance to listen and to be listened to. No need to reply, advise or find an instant solution. Simply let everyone say what they need to say to get present.

4. Get productive

Is everybody present? Then on with your meeting! Don’t prolong the check-in more than necessary. 

Now, not only your team will be more focused, but also more engaged, connected and productive. You will learn a lot too!

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