Reflect to upgrade

Corina Roobeck
September 10, 2020

As individuals and as a team, what can we learn from and celebrate about this great work experiment? Leveraging these learnings between each other is key so we can upgrade our skills and response patterns for whatever comes next.  

Those who’ve worked with us know that GUBA is our favourite reflection tool. We use it individually and as a team at the end of every project to reflect, learn and share what was GOOD, UGLY, BAD, and AWESOME about the result (what we did) and the experience (how we behaved). 

By expanding what worked (GOOD) and what didn't (BAD) into more emotional arenas of AWESOME and UGLY, it allows the heart to sit as an equal alongside the rational viewpoint of our heads. These labels have an energy which when expressed in a safe environment can nourish and motivate us, and bring to life our personal and corporate values in an authentic and meaningful way. 

GUBA step by step:

Step 1: Draw a GUBA on a sheet of paper, Google Slide, Jamboard...

Step 2: Take time to reflect on your last 6 months (working remotely, work and life balance, adapting to the new normal, team connection and support, pressure, workload, living your team culture, company values, etc.): 

  • What happened that was GOOD (continue doing or improve to awesome)? 
  • What happened that was BAD (can be improved)? 
  • What happened that was UGLY (was destructive, needs to stop)?
  • What happened that was AWESOME (celebration, best practice)?

Step 3: Take turns to share with the team, and listen with no judgment. There is no right or wrong, and no need to agree on the classification. We welcome different perspectives. 

Step 4 : Cluster and write down any themes that emerge.

Stop / Continue / Start

Follow the GUBA with an action plan. We like to use the STOP, CONTINUE, START process to turn the learnings into actionable steps and new behaviours that upgrade our response software. We like to add in SUPPORT as the 4th column. Stopping something can be challenging when you are not the only person impacted. SUPPORT prompts the asking of “Who else needs to know?”. While many things could change, what is the priority, and are we really prepared to make that change? 

Client example

We ran this with a client executive team and the biggest UGLY was back to back meetings with no time to have a proper lunch break let alone go to the bathroom. After a round of discussions, which at times was funny as people realised the absurdities of the situation, new actions were agreed to trial for a short period of time and then review. One of the actions was all members to block out at least one hour per day for a lunch break. This to be a KPI and supported by their PAs and each other. No more sneaking an extra meeting in just because there is a space - this space is now filled and equally important. The result? Re-energised leaders, the ripple of a good mood through the afternoon, and better quality meetings. 

We would love to hear what you discover! And if you’d like us to facilitate this process for you, get in touch!

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