How I got my power back: discovering and being myself

Vishal Chiripal
May 7, 2022

In June 2021, I participated in The Zone’s Reboot coaching program. Over the course of those six weeks, I immersed myself into a journey of self-exploration. Out of all the positive changes that have occurred in my life due to Reboot, here are a few I would like to share with you:

1. Knowing my values has made me more present

One of the exercises I delved into during Reboot was an exploration of my personal values. For the first time, I gained clarity of what they were – learning, discipline, compassion, gratitude, de-risk and wellbeing – and have been living them everyday since. Knowing my values has allowed me to become more present and admit less judgement into my life, which has been a big change for me. I used to judge and dismiss quickly, which contradicted my values of compassion and learning; now, I have shifted to being present and actively listening.

By living my values everyday, I am compounding my wellbeing in the long run. I have adopted a simple rule: I do what I value, and I don’t do what is not aligned. Reboot has made me mentally tough by the exercise of controlling one's urge for things that do not add value or are not important. For example, reducing salt and sugar intake, fatty foods, alcohol and midnight snacks consumption. This exercise has spilled over to my other areas of life at work and in social settings. Instead of reacting to a situation, I have been able to control my urge to react and the outcomes have changed for the better.

2. Staying true to myself has improved my relationships

My Reboot journey has allowed me to be more focused on what is important, making me both a better father and a better leader. I have become more reliable to my family and my employees, and as a result, they have started believing in me because I am now consistent. It keeps me energised, positive and excited that my relationships with my wife, brother, son, daughter, friends and parents have improved tremendously. 

By being true to myself; following my values, vision and purpose after participating in Reboot, my confidence has increased, and I have been able to work on my image among my family members, friends, and society at large.

3. Shifting from ‘doing’ to ‘being’ has positively impacted me as a leader

As a leader, I have shifted from a state of ‘doing’ to a state of ‘being’ and I will tell you exactly what I mean by that. I have been living between Dubai, where my family is, and India, where I run my business. The split between two countries and cultures was difficult in the beginning and I had a hard time finding my priorities. By living in the moment and focusing more on my ‘being’ and less on ‘doing,’ I have become more understanding and more empathetic. I have built resilience and calmness and have become more courageous, and this has had a positive ripple effect on my company; happiness, loyalty and productivity is higher. I have even managed to pass on the joy of wellbeing by introducing a fitness challenge to my employees! 

Altogether, one of the most important changes that I have noticed in me is that I have been more productive, happy, future focused, calm and content in my life. 

Overall, going through Reboot has been an insightful experience for me and I am always looking to continue learning by connecting with people. I have learned that everybody has a different perspective and I am always curious to hear new thoughts and ideas to develop myself further. Feel free to connect with me on my LinkedIn here to start a conversation!

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